Region Staffing

How to Find the Best Temp Agency

Lady is being very technical about the new hires for a recruitment agency

What To Look For In a Temp Agency

It’s never easy to find and hire new employees. It takes time and money, and sometimes the company doesn’t end up with a good fit for the position or someone who can stay long term. That is why companies often turn to temp agencies to help them fill positions quickly without having to go through all of the hiring process again. As an employer, it’s important that you know what you’re looking for in a temp agency so that your search will be as smooth as possible. In this post we’ll cover some things you should consider when choosing a temp agency — from their history of filling jobs, how they screen candidates, pricing options, etc. Read on below!

Staffing agencies recruit employees for employers to fill positions. The roles are at times temporary and can be part-time or full time, depending on the needs of their client companies. Staffers act as matchmakers by bringing talent in from similar roles so that they may find just what it is these organizations need–whether it’s a construction worker with experience in concrete or someone experienced in manufacturing systems maintenance – all while helping you test out different career options locally!

It’s a good idea to start thinking beyond just wages when you’re trying find employees. The right experience as well as the right culture fit is critical to develop while your company runs smoothly-a temp agency can help build that team and reduce the down time and cost to hire! The Society for Human Resource Management estimates that companies spend an average of 42 days filling positions with $4129 per hire; staffing agencies can save time and provide you with a ready to hire match. This can be worth every penny especially given how quickly people burn out or leave their job entirely without warning due lack of engagement or poor culture fit.

2020 and Covid 19 has highlighted the need to be nimble and re-evaluate our hiring practices. The average days to fill an open position has increased and talent is scarce. A staffing agency can eliminate the turmoil being created in the current job search environment by quickly bringing your team back to capacity and back to pre-2020 productivity. So, how do you know if you are working with the right Staffing Agency team?


Consider their Resources

The most important resource a staffing agency has is its talent pool. You need to work with a staffing agency that maintains an updated, ready to hire workforce that can be deployed with a phone call. How about the team that actually works at the Hiring Services Agency? You want them to hire attentive, energetic employees to help you grow. Their team needs to provide you with attentive service and a can-do attitude. Their team needs to understand your priorities and the culture of your organization.


How long have they been in your market?

A successful track record of hiring and staffing support in your market with the available local talent pool is a solid indicator you are working with the right team. Reputation for problem solving and quick fill rates in your own market will likely indicate you are working with a Staffing Agency that will make a significant impact on reducing your hiring costs.

What services do they offer?

Your hiring needs will change by the season and even by department. A full-service staffing agency that can provide Temp Hire, Temp to Permanent, Direct Hire and even completely outsourcing your HR program. Having a team that can change with the need without re-negotiating the services agreement can save tons of time.

Your staffing needs will never end. Having the right partner to keep your team at full capacity can help you get back to running your business and scaling your growth. If you become overwhelmed by the hiring and staffing process, do not despair. Search your local area for your staffing services options and be sure to ask plenty of questions. Once you find the right partnership, the hiring efficiencies and reduction in onboarding should put you back on track to grow your businesses profitably and reduce your costs associated with staff churn.